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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

I have a relative in prison. Can I or my relative contact you for encouragement and support?

Most definitely! We correspond with many inmates and their families on a personal level. They are not simply numbers to us. Our files are filled with letters of appreciation from inmates and/or their families for the commitment we have made with them.

Do you help people of any religious affiliation?

Of course! Even those who have no belief in God (Father, Son, or Holy Spirit!)We simply try to live our faith, and in viewing our love and concern, people begin to ask questions like, "How can you have so much peace in your life", or "Can I get what you have?" Then the door is open for communication. One point I'd like to clarify is when people ask, "Are you Catholic or Christian?" That to me, is like looking at a car and asking, "Is that a car, or a Ford?" You see, it’s a car, but it's specifically a Honda (brand/denomination). Christians are people who attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, (hence the name CHRISTians) from the time of Jesus back in 33 AD, there had been only ONE Christian church until the Protestant Reformation in the 1500's. That church is the Catholic Church. So, I am a Catholic Christian, the OLDEST Christian church on the planet!

Is this ministry a non-profit organization?

Most definitely. Since its inception back in the late 1980's, we always wanted those with whom we were ministering, to know for sure that we were helping them, NOT out of any material or financial gain, but because God has commanded us to do so. As a non-profit organization all donations are used to maintain the organization, but never for a salary or paid directorship.

Who is the founder of T.I.M.?

Tim Page is the founding director of Total Involvement Ministry, who began the ministry back in 1989. He has continued this position ever since, never receiving any paycheck for his efforts, but instead trusts in God and His Divine Providence to take care of the necessities of life.

How can we help T.I.M.?

By Praying! This is a priority in our ministry. Of course, we invite you to take on a more active role, especially if you live in the Southern California area. If you wish to provide support for the work that we do, we welcome your gifts and donations. Learn More.

A pastor told his congregation he had good news and bad news.
The good news was that the found the money to make the repairs on the roof.
The bad news was that the money was STILL IN THEIR wallets! (pockets, checkbook, etc).

What are the key areas of your ministry?

The three primary areas of our ministry involve: PREVENTION, INTERVENTION, and FOLLOW-UP. In prevention, the younger we reach somebody, the better, but we are open to helping anybody in need regardless of age. By writing letters to those who are incarcerated, we are attempting to bring encouragement and support to them, hopefully 'intervening' during a critical time in their lives. Not that any one of these three areas are more important than the others, but follow-up is essential to try to make sure that these individuals do NOT return to the same patterns and/or life-style that got them imprisoned in the first place.